Decreased sexual desire of wife

Decreased sexual desire of wife

पत्नी की यौन इच्छा में कमी

My name is Suraj and my wife’s name is Shikha (both names changed). Both are 49 years old and both are 5.6 feet tall.

We have been married for 27 years, have 2 children and have married them off early.

My wife is still slim, has a full body and still has such a glow on her face as if she got married just a few months ago.

Even recently, we were enjoying pussy and ass fucking wholeheartedly, she used to jump up and down and enjoy pussy fucking and ass fucking too!

In these 27 years, we have enjoyed sex in every way and I have only had sex with my wife till now.

I love her a lot and she also loves me a lot.

But for the last few months, she is not able to fuck properly nor is she able to get fucked freely.

Earlier whenever she wanted to have sex, she used to somehow convince me for sex, and even when she was not in the mood, she used to be very happy for me and jump around and get fucked like a slut.

But I don’t know what has happened to her that now she doesn’t say yes for sex, neither does she pursue me nor does she behave like before.

Yes, even now she drinks semen, urine as per my and her wish, I also drink it.

Even after doing all this, she doesn’t behave like before, nor does she herself ask for sex.

I am troubled by this behaviour of hers.

I asked her many times but she said that ‘I don’t feel like it right now’.

And when I asked her to consult a doctor, she said that there is no need for it.

Now she doesn’t even do any sexual act like before.

Does she want me to do something new in sex with her or forcefully tear her pussy and ass and fuck her?

My wife wants to get fucked in a group, please help me >>

She still has so much strength that she can get fucked up to 5 times, she has also got her ass fucked up to 5 times.

Has her interest in sex decreased or is there something else that I am not able to understand?

Please tell me what should I do so that my wife jumps up and gets her pussy and ass fucked like before and behaves like before.

I love my life partner very much.

This was the problem of one of my friends…

Write your opinion in the comments below, mail me and do not make dirty comments.

Thank you.



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