What to do on the wedding night and what not to do Antarvasna

What to do on the wedding night and what not to do Antarvasna

Suhaagraat: What to do, what not to do -Antarvasna sex stories

Suhagraat is a very important day in the life of both men and women. This is the night when one can build a beautiful building of their married life or can destroy it forever due to their ignorance. This is completely true in a situation where the woman has no experience of sexual intercourse.

Many elderly people also feel a sweet tickle in their hearts and old memories suddenly become fresh. A thrill starts to appear in the mind.

When any man or woman reads books related to sex, their body also starts tickling. There are some young men who, after reading the book, think about what is suhagraat? What should be done on this day? How should it be done? Reading such books also increases the sexual excitement in the body. After reading such books, men and women start having colorful dreams of the future in their minds, the dream of suhagraat is also associated with these dreams.

After marriage, when the bride is brought to her husband’s house, she leaves her family and comes there. At her husband’s house, everyone is a stranger to her, so it would not be wrong to say that she is unable to understand anyone properly on the first night except her husband.

But it is also true that the husband and wife are also strangers to each other on that night, yet the bride considers her husband as her own because she is married to him. When they get a chance to come close to each other for the first time, they not only understand each other but also become devoted to each other from the heart.

In our country, the first night’s meeting of the bride and groom is mostly done in solitude, this is called Suhaagraat.

This first night of the husband and wife decides the future of their married life. On Suhaagraat, this first meeting of the husband and wife is not so much physical but mental and spiritual. On this occasion, not only the bodies of two unknown persons but also their souls unite. The two souls which were separate till now, become one for the first time on this night.

Importance of Suhagraat

On Suhagraat, the man should remember this thing like a Gurumantra that the wedding night is never unimportant, even the smallest thing can affect the entire life. How the man should behave on the wedding night should be left to his decision because the circumstances of this occasion are different for every bride and groom.

Worries, fears and thoughts in men about Suhagraat

As the wedding day approaches, some young men and women start getting worried. Many men think in their mind whether I will be able to satisfy my wife on Suhagraat or not? Will my wife like me or not? Will she be able to accept me completely or not? They also get worried thinking that if I am not able to satisfy my wife on Suhagraat, then he may have to listen to taunts from his wife throughout his life. If my penis does not get erect on this night or I ejaculate early, I will not be able to talk to my wife with my head raised.

He is also afraid thinking that if my wife leaves me for this reason, then how will I face my family and society. Such symptoms are seen not only in illiterate men but also in educated men. Not only men are worried about this night, but women are also afraid of it.

Many types of things keep going on in the mind of men also before the wedding night, but he has less hesitation and feelings in his mind than the woman because all the family members are known to him while the woman is unknown to everyone.

Many men also think that we get physical satisfaction from the sex act done by us, so the woman must also get satisfaction. I want to tell you that such thoughts are absolutely wrong, because many men are ignorant about sex, as a result of which they are not able to prepare their wife completely for intercourse on this night. Until a woman is in a state of ecstasy to give herself pleasure, she cannot be ready for sex. To arouse sexual excitement in her, a man can perform foreplay with her.

Many men think that if a woman is cold in terms of sex and is lacking enthusiasm by nature or she lacks love for the man, then she cannot be aroused. Some foolish husbands even imagine that she has had a relationship with someone before marriage, that is why she is not able to have sex with me properly. It is absolutely wrong to think like this because when you yourself are not able to prepare her for sex properly, then what is her fault in that.

Due to their ignorance about sex, when many men try to forcefully obtain marital rights on the first night, then the woman becomes sad in her heart due to this behavior of his, and even while having sex, she is not able to enjoy the real pleasure of sex.

The condition, thinking and feeling of a woman during sex
Whether people say it openly or not, but it is true that at least 50 percent of girls do not know about sex before marriage. But we want to tell you that some girls definitely get to know about sex from their friends, books, movies and many other types of media. But she gets complete information about it only when she tries sex herself. When the husband tries to have sex with the woman after marriage, only then the woman gets to know about it properly, what it is.

When the husband teases his wife, it seems unnatural to her because even if her sexual desire increases, she tries her best to control her excitement on this night, she thinks that how can I hand over to someone the one whom I have been able to keep safe till now, on the very first night. That is why she refuses her husband two-four times, but when the husband tries his best, she gets excited because this hunger is such that it can be tolerated for some time but not for long.

I would like to tell you that the fun of sex comes only when there is fire from both the sides. If the woman is not ready for sex, then try your best to fill her body with sexual excitement and have sex with her only when she gets excited. When you make her completely ready for sex, she herself will hand over her body to you and say do whatever you want to do with me, I am made for you only.

When the man enters his penis in the vagina of the woman for the first time during sex, she feels some pain but this pain disappears after some time in the same way as the pain of a thorn disappears after getting a flower. After this she starts getting the pleasure of intercourse with love.

If seen, on the day of Suhagraat, a lot of emotions keep rising in the mind of the woman. She keeps cherishing soft and gentle feelings in her mind from gaining consciousness.

All women have a feeling of shyness on the Suhagraat. Due to which, forget about sex, it becomes an obstacle even in hugging, kissing and touching the breasts etc.

For example, some women are such that they kiss their husbands and take kisses happily and happily allow the man not only to touch their body but also to grope their whole body. Some women are more scared thinking that they will have to get completely naked in front of their husband. A woman should never get naked in front of her husband at the very beginning because by doing this, the husband will be in such a situation that he will think that she is a shameless woman.

Some women do not even like the fact that their husbands get completely naked in front of them. If a man has this thought in his mind that he should get completely naked and put his penis in his wife’s vagina and rub it, then he should not do this because by doing this, it is possible that your wife may feel bad about all this. She can do this because a woman never gets aroused suddenly, she has to be aroused.

Many such men have been seen who have this fear before getting married that whether I will be able to establish physical relations in a proper manner or not? If seen, it is natural because very few people know what should be done to get unique and complete pleasure from sex.

A happy married life can never be achieved by money, strength of genitals or health. It is that priceless happiness which can be achieved only by knowledge.

Earlier among Hindus marriages were performed at night. Even now in many places in India marriages are performed at night due to which both the husband and wife get very tired on the first night. Along with this, the bride also feels the pain of being separated from her parents and family members. Everyone in her husband’s house seems strange to her because she has left her home and come to a strange family. Only the in-laws can free her from such mental thoughts.

Therefore, the parents should take care that even if other programs continue throughout the night due to the crowd of guests, the family members should take care that the bride and groom should be sent to a solitary room by 10 to 11 pm at the most.

The family should also keep in mind that the room in which the bride and groom spend their Suhagrat should be chosen carefully and that room should be kept clean. Their room should be decorated with flowers and romantic pictures.

There should not be too many things in the Suhagrat room. There should be a soft bed on the bed. The bedsheet should be clean and without any wrinkles, there should be at least two pillows and fresh flowers should be spread on the bed. Keep sweets, cardamom and dry fruits etc. decorated in a tray on a small table near the bed. Apart from this, also make arrangements for water and glasses. Along with bright lights, soft lights should also be arranged in the room. All the necessary things and clothes of the bride and groom should be kept in the same room. If the wedding is in summer, then arrangements for air and skylight should be made in the room.

Decoration of the Bride

Apart from the decoration of the Suhagraat room, the bride and groom should also be specially decorated on this day so that their sexual relation is proper. Sometimes many bride and groom feel shy in decorating or preparing themselves. Although later the husband and wife do this relation work on their own, but on the night of the first meeting, both of them have to be forcibly pushed into the Suhaag room.

On this day, before taking the bride’s sisters-in-law and elder sisters-in-law to the Suhaag room for the first meeting, give the bride a bath. After the makeup, give the bride an opportunity to make some changes in the makeup according to her thoughts and enhance her beauty.

Give the bride an opportunity to choose her own clothes. Usually, new brides prefer to wear the wedding dress and consider it necessary. She should also use her favorite ornaments.

On this day, the wife should use artificial fragrance to attract her husband. After jewellery, the most valuable thing in cosmetics is perfume. A small piece of cotton should be dipped in perfume and applied on those parts of the body, such as where the husband touches with his lips, the centre of both breasts, chin, navel, front part of the palms, neck, cheeks, upper part of the nose, waist and the outer labia of the vagina and the area around it etc.

The bride should pay special attention to one thing while doing her makeup. That is, she should clean her labia and the hair around it and the armpit hair so that the husband does not face any problem. However, girls should do this work at their parents’ house a day or two before the wedding.

When the bride is ready, all her belongings should be kept in the Suhagraat room and after this, the bride’s sister-in-law and elder sister-in-law should joke with the new bride and take her to the Suhagraat room and make her sit on the Suhaag bed and they themselves should also stay there and keep talking until the groom comes to that room.

Groom’s makeup

Just as the bride’s makeup is important in a wedding, similarly, the groom’s makeup is also important. This task of decorating the groom is mostly done by the groom’s brother-in-law or friend etc. The groom should be decorated only after taking a bath and having food.

Before decorating the groom, cream powder etc. should be used to make his face clean. After this, the hair should be groomed properly. Before decorating the groom, his beard should be cleaned. If the groom does not want to keep a moustache, then his moustache should be cleaned.

Before taking the groom to the Suhagrat bed, he should wear a nice kurta or night suit because unlike the bride, wedding dress is not necessary at this time. While taking the groom to the Suhagrat room, he should be told things that will boost his confidence like he looks very handsome and attractive.

Fragrant perfume should be applied on many parts of the groom’s body so that the new bride gets mesmerized by the smell of his body. If possible, the groom should use a mouth freshener. The responsibility of taking the groom to the Suhag room lies with the Bhabhis.

It has also been seen that many grooms do not get ready for the first meeting easily due to shyness but they are eager to meet the bride. Sometimes the groom has been seen going to the Suhag room even by avoiding his friends.

During this time, the women sitting with the bride should leave the room as soon as possible because after the groom enters the room, the Bhabhis should close the door and latch it from outside. Keep in mind that the latch should be opened after some time.

Reaction of husband and wife on Suhagraat

Whether you are a woman or a man, during the first meeting on Suhagraat, there is a problem while presenting yourself in front of each other in a secluded room. What the bride and groom have to do during this time, they should get complete information about it so that there is no problem while presenting themselves in front of each other.

When the bride is sitting in the room on the day of Suhagraat, at that time when the Bhabhis send the groom to the room and latch the door from outside, then the groom should request them to open the latch and then latch the door from inside himself.

Now the groom should proceed towards his Suhagsej. After this, it is the duty of the bride to try to get down from the bed to greet her husband. After this, the groom should allow his wife to sit and sit at a little distance.

At this time, the bride should hide her face and sit like an embodiment of modesty because modesty is the dignity of a woman. At this time, it is necessary for the bride to have these qualities, such as – ada, tantrums, bhaav khana and shyness etc. We also want to tell you that a man goes crazy on a woman’s tantrums.

But women should keep in mind at this time that before the man gets disappointed and sad with the tantrums, support and consent should be accepted otherwise the joy of tantrums will turn into sorrow. When a woman is permanently tantruming, her husband becomes averse to having sex with her to some extent.

Now the groom should slowly lift the veil of the bride and while completing the ritual of ‘Mooh Dikhai’, he should give a gift like ring, chain, necklace etc. to the bride. After this, the husband should talk sweetly to his wife and increase his acquaintance.

After this, the husband should bring the snacks lying on the table near the bed. Generally, in married life, it is the duty of the wife to cook, feed or serve food but on the first night, the husband should do this duty because at that time the wife is completely unaware. Therefore, the husband serves sweets etc.

The husband should keep one thing in mind that while offering sweets etc. to his wife, he should introduce himself to her and should keep trying to increase her acquaintance. The husband should tell her about his family members, rituals and customs.

After this, the husband should listen to the bride carefully if she starts introducing herself or if she does not do so, he should start asking her himself and should also keep in mind that if she does not want to tell anything about herself, then do not force her and talk lovingly. During this time, it is the duty of the wife to take an equal part without feeling shy.

During this time, the husband should touch his wife’s hands on the first night, after this, praise her beauty, try to make her laugh with his cheerful face and words. After this, when the wife’s shyness gradually decreases, then he should hug and kiss her. If the woman is hesitant due to light, then turn off the light or make the light very dim.

If seen, after marriage, the desire of a man is that soon he gets an opportunity to meet his life partner and enjoy sex, this impatience and imagination is in the mind of every man.

The man should keep in mind that during the Suhaagraat, unless the woman is ready and agreeable for sex, the intercourse is not completed and even if it is done, the pleasure of sex is one-sided. Therefore, the man should first do foreplay with the woman so that she becomes ready for sex, only then your union can happen properly.

If the wife starts cooperating with you in hugging and kissing, then the man should try to touch many stimulating parts of her body like touching the breasts, caressing them slowly and later pressing them slowly.

After this, you should praise her waist, thighs and buttocks etc. and slowly lift her clothes with your hands, put your hands inside and caress the thighs.

After this, slowly touch her vagina with your hands and tease her. Slowly move your hands on the labia and take the touch to the clitoris, and at the same time keep talking to her in an arousing manner so that the fire of sex starts flaring inside her.

Using foreplay in this way, take your wife on the path of sexual arousal so that any kind of hesitation in her mind vanishes. By doing this, the wife’s hesitation vanishes, due to which she herself starts hugging her husband and pressing her breasts. She starts getting her vagina touched by her husband. During this act, her breathing will also become fast and she will start trembling.

When the wife starts doing this type of act, the man should understand that she is now fully ready for sex. Now the man should kiss his wife’s forehead with his lips, after this, kiss her lips with his lips and along with this, keep kissing the parts around her face and near her breasts. By doing this, the sexual excitement inside her will start increasing even more.

Now the husband should try to take his wife to the bed and lay her down while slowly doing foreplay and remove all the clothes from her breasts. Then after this, press her breasts while caressing them with your hands. While doing this, many kinds of sounds come out of the wife’s mouth. After this, the clothes below the wife’s body should also be completely removed. To remove her clothes, first loosen her strings. After this, when she is left with only panties, let her remain in this state for some time and at the same time, press and caress her entire body. After this, you should touch your penis to her body. At this time, if the wife supports the husband in this effort, then the husband should caress the wife’s breasts even harder. When the husband caresses the wife’s breasts in this way, then the woman starts getting a lot of pleasure and happiness. At this time, many types of thoughts come in the mind of the wife like- my husband is the strongest, my luck is so good that I got him, all my desires will be fulfilled tonight and she also thinks what he is doing with me.

At this stage, there are some women who try to stop the husband’s attempt to open the petticoat. But gradually they themselves stop their efforts and get naked. Then both of them start embracing each other in their arms. Both of them remain in this position for some time and after this the husband should kiss his wife’s forehead, breasts, chest and the parts near the ears. Keep caressing her buttocks in this position. After this, press and caress her breasts and keep moving your hands between her thighs.

Such women are more shy of their husbands because this is the first night of union for both husband and wife. She will try to hide her breasts with her hands and hide her vagina by bringing her thighs together and will close her eyes. In such a situation, the husband should be patient and should not show any kind of impatience. He should understand that she is unaware of everyone here and that is why she is doing this.

After this, the husband should remove all the worries and concerns of the wife with love. Along with this, keep doing foreplay. By doing this, the vagina of the woman starts getting wet in a short time and she also starts feeling the desire for sex. By doing sex in this way, the sexual desire of both starts increasing and after some time the woman also starts opening her thighs.

If due to any reason the sexual desire is not awakening in the wife, then the man should caress the clitoris of the wife properly. After this, he should enter the vagina by joining his three-four fingers and move them in and out, up and down. By doing this, even the coldest woman gets sexually aroused and becomes eager to have sex.

It is important to tell that the vagina of a woman is very narrow. It is not easy to enter the penis in it for the first time, rather it has to be made easy. For this purpose, the man should keep some lubricant like cream, vaseline or oil somewhere beforehand so that before inserting the penis into the vagina, he can apply the lubricant on it. Although at this time the vagina of the woman and the penis of the man automatically get wet with pre-juice, but sometimes it is not enough for lubrication.

Now the man should spread the thighs of the woman, lift both her legs slowly, place the penis on the mouth of the vagina and slowly apply pressure so that the penis enters the vagina, after this, slowly do friction, due to which the vagina will be completely wet with the fluid. Now the man should spread the thighs of the woman a little more and insert the penis into the vagina and slowly do friction by pushing.

I would also like to tell you that even if the woman’s vagina is intact, the vaginal membrane will tear due to the pressure of the penis and the penis will move forward easily.

Sometimes the vaginal membrane is already torn. This does not mean at all that the woman has had sex with someone before marriage. A man should not have such a doubt at all because a woman’s vaginal membrane can tear due to any reason such as doing hard work, doing excessive exercise, riding a bicycle, running, playing sports, riding, etc.

While doing sex in this way, one should take a little rest. In the meantime, talk to the woman lovingly. After this, insert the penis in the vagina again and start friction slowly, and as the excitement increases, the speed of friction should be increased. Even when ejaculation starts, let the penis remain in the vagina because keeping the penis in the vagina even after ejaculation gives pleasure to the woman.

Mostly on the day of Suhaagraat, after satisfying his sexual excitement, the man does not check whether his wife is satisfied or not. We would like to tell you that if the woman is satisfied, her body becomes loose, she starts sweating, her eyes close and shyness is again visible on her face.

When the sexual intercourse is over in this manner, both the man and the woman should clean their respective organs and consume milk or energy-giving and easily digestible food. After this, they should sleep while making love and embracing each other. Certainly, if a husband wins the heart of his wife during the sexual intercourse itself and this victory is not done by force but after earning the trust of the wife, then this night of union becomes memorable for both.

If this act is done with the consent of the wife on the night of intercourse, then after this the woman remembers this first sexual intercourse in her life forever and trusts her husband throughout her life. By this, the husband also wins the trust of his wife for life, the entire life of the couple passes by swimming in the ocean of pleasure.

In today’s time, circumstances have changed so much that it is not possible to stay without sex for ten nights after marriage like before, yet on the first night of union or Suhagrat, complete this act with the cooperation of the wife, not forcefully, because it can ruin your married life.

First night

In today’s time, many women get into the trap of sexual excitement very quickly due to bad society, brothel, bad company, influence of cinema, flood of freedom of girls, due to many opportunities of darshan-fairs, reading obscene novels that increase sexual excitement, consumption of sour, pickle, eggs and hot substances like powder etc. Nowadays, even boys start wishing to have sex with a woman as soon as they enter youth.

It is not good for men and women to have sexual relations before marriage because it can lead to many difficulties. For example, due to this, the woman may have to face defamation because in our society, having sexual relations before marriage is considered a sin. It is not that only the woman has to bear the burden of defamation, the man may also have to bear it because if the woman’s relatives come to know about it, they become her enemies.

So my opinion for men and women is that if you want to have sexual relations before marriage, then think about its consequences beforehand.

Misconceptions of men and women about Suhagraat

Some husbands and wives are so stressed about Suhagraat that they are not able to have sexual relations properly on this night. If the husband gets premature ejaculation on this night, then the man starts considering himself impotent and the woman starts cursing her fate. Both remain angry with each other.

Becoming each other’s on the wedding night

I want to tell the husband and wife that they should not start sex immediately on the wedding night, rather they should first know each other’s name etc. and some introduction. On this night, they should also know what is in each other’s mind. All men and women should know that sex is not only physical but also emotional and artistic act which has to be learned together with their life partners.

It is not necessary to have sexual relations on the first night. On this night, try to know each other’s heart as much as possible, you can know each other’s interests and nature. On this night, the husband should praise his wife’s beauty. By doing this, the hesitation and nervousness of both will go away. Have sex only if you have the desire, do not have sexual relations by forcing each other.

Things to keep in mind during the Suhagraat

On the Suhagraat, the bride and groom should not rush to have sex.

Before having sex, the husband and wife should try to understand each other.

Do not rush to have sex, rather move slowly towards it.

Talk lovingly to your wife and try to feed her some sweets or other things.

While talking to the woman, take her towards sex and do foreplay first. At this time, it is possible that she may stop you. In such a situation, do not have doubts in your mind because it is possible that she is doing this out of fear or shame.

On this night, do not forcefully try to have sex until you get permission from the woman.

If the woman is not ready to have sex due to any reason, fear, shame or mentally, then you should control yourself, do not force her for this.

Do not consume alcohol, cocaine, hashish, opium or intoxicants under the influence of any other man or friend, because it never increases sexual power. In fact, in a state of intoxication, you will not be able to enjoy sex properly and your wife will also not be able to enjoy it.

Never force your wife to get naked on the first night, nor disrobe her.

Do not force your wife to perform oral sex, nor perform oral sex.

On the first night, there may be a little difficulty in inserting the penis into the woman’s vagina. Sometimes this happens because the woman is under stress or fear, due to which she contracts the vagina, due to which it becomes difficult to insert the penis into the vagina.

All women like to hear their praises, especially they like praise of their beauty. So praise her beauty. She will soon surrender herself to you.

Do not try to know about the past of your wife by playing with her emotions on the first night.

On the first night, do not exaggerate about any girl from your past. This can hurt your wife’s heart.

Husbands sometimes start talking at their wives in length like- a girl more beautiful than you had come in my life. She loved me so much that she was ready to die for me. You are nothing in front of her etc. etc. Such things do not make an impression on the wife. These things can hurt her mind. That is why every man and woman should start a new life after marriage. Let the past life remain covered like a dead body.

Some people’s thoughts about Suhagraat

I talked to some people about Suhagraat and they told something about it like this

Arun used to pay a lot of attention to sex since his youth. He used to get excited on seeing young girls and their bulging breasts. He used to wonder how a girl looks without clothes and what the internal parts of her body are like. But it was not possible for him to get this answer without marriage.

Whenever his friends asked him how he would ask his wife’s name on the wedding night, he used to jokingly reply that what do you have to do with it, ask me this the day I celebrate my wedding night. Arun never knew what effect this joke was going to have on his life.

After a few years, his marriage was fixed. It was a tradition in his family that when the marriage is fixed, the boy and the girl are made to talk to each other. Therefore, a place was fixed for him to talk to the girl.

When he met the girl, on seeing her, he thought that wow, what a beautiful girl she is. All the qualities that he had thought in his mind earlier, were visible in his future wife Meenu. At that time, he was amazed to see her bulging breasts. A few days after this, he got married to Meenu.

Now I am going to tell you about their Suhagraat. As soon as Arun went to the Suhagraat room, he locked the door of his room. After this he saw that his wife was waiting for him on the bed wearing a red lehenga-chunni. Seeing this, his body became more excited, some excitement was already there in his body before coming to the Suhagraat room. He was losing control over himself, his excitement limit was touching the peak.

He went towards the bed and sat on the bed and hugged Meenu. Without removing her clothes, he started scratching and kneading her. To make physical relations, he did not even care about her clothes. He did not pay any attention to Meenu’s excitement and started having sex with her completely, but in a short while his excitement limit ended and he became lethargic.

Meenu started writhing in such a way due to his behavior like a fish out of water. She was not able to understand his behavior at all. Meenu had many dreams about her Suhagraat which were scattered in a single moment like the pearls of a garland get scattered. She was not even able to understand whether this is called Suhagraat? If this was Suhagraat then how would forced sex be.

Thinking all this, tears were flowing from her eyes. The crumpled blouse on her chest and scattered hair were telling their story like a crushed flower. After this, she pushed her breasts in her bra while crying and fixed her clothes. When she looked at Arun, he was lying on his back and lying quietly with his eyes closed.

Due to this incident, a feeling of hatred for Arun arose in Meenu’s mind. She was not able to understand that if they had to have forced sex then why did they get married and if they had got married then was it necessary to have forced sex like this?

Now you must have understood that this should not be done at all on Suhagraat because doing this ruins the married life. As you read in this story, due to this incident, Meenu developed hatred for Arun.

We all know that if a feeling of hatred develops between husband and wife, then no one can stop their married life from getting ruined.

Kavita was a very excitable girl. She belonged to an ordinary family. When her family arranged her marriage with a boy named Praveen, she felt both a tickle and nervousness at the same time. She was afraid of what happens on the first night? What will her husband do to her? How will all this happen? How will she be able to face all this?

Most of the girls have this fear that something definitely happens on the first night which is very difficult to bear.

When she was given her husband’s photo to see, she felt shy but went to a secluded place and looked at it carefully and started thinking that he is very handsome. After a few months, the marriage took place. When she came to her husband’s house, the whole day was spent in noise and commotion. At night, her sister-in-law and her husband dressed her up and made her sit on the bed in the room for the Suhagrat.

At the same time, Praveen’s sister-in-law whispered in Kavita’s ear that don’t be afraid at all, do whatever Praveen says, don’t refuse at all and she pushed him and agreed from her heart and went away from there.

Now Kavita was feeling very afraid in her mind, her fear had reached its peak. She was thinking that if he comes in the room, what all will he do with me and what all will he talk about?

After this, Praveen’s sisters-in-law pushed him in the room and locked it from outside. Praveen was thinking in his mind that someone should take me to the Suhagrat room quickly. Now he slowly closed the room from inside and slowly walked towards Kavita and sat on the edge of the bed.

After this, he tried to talk to Kavita as if he already knew her. After some time, Kavita also became friendly with him and started talking and replying to him. The fear that had settled inside her mind was now slowly vanishing. For some time, they kept talking to each other like just friends. During this time, Praveen did not touch her body in any way, did not even touch her. They just sat face to face and kept talking.

In these talks, they cherished golden dreams of the future. How many children will they have, when will they have them, how will they run the house. Hearing such talks, Kavita was getting angry inside. She wanted to tell him that now it is enough, let’s have sex. But she was a girl, so she could not express her heart’s desire.

While talking like this, it became 1 o’clock. Kavita’s body was getting aroused with sexual desire and her husband was such that he kept talking about household matters.

After this, Kavita saw that he ate some dry fruits and drank milk and went to sleep. Kavita became sad seeing his behavior and kept suffering from sexual desire the whole night. She was thinking in her mind that he talked to me so much and then went to sleep, what would have happened to him if he had sex with me for a little while. Still she thought that he must have got tired from the day’s work, so he went to sleep. So she also slept comfortably clinging to her husband.

For some days, Praveen kept sleeping after talking to Kavita like this. On this, Kavita said, why don’t you do something, don’t you have any excitement? On this, Praveen’s mind reached the seventh heaven and he replied that I was showing you my tolerance.

But the truth is that he had a complaint of premature ejaculation. That is why he was not having sex with Kavita so that his secret is not revealed. But at this time Praveen was furious due to anger and to console himself, he was thinking in his mind that today I will show her what sex is.

Thinking like this, he started forcing Kavita but at this time Kavita was not feeling it as she had a lot of sexual desire. Now both of them started having sex, Kavita started enjoying sex a bit but after some time she felt a big shock in her heart and saw that her husband fell flat after ejaculating, at this time Praveen was looking like a completely lifeless body.

She became sad due to this behaviour of her husband and started cursing him in her mind and started thinking that her luck was bad that she got such a husband. After this, both of them started quarreling over this matter. Tension arose in their married life.

Now Kavita started waiting for some boy to befriend her and satisfy her sexual desire. For a few months she did not go out of the house due to social shame but later she started going to the market etc. Now she started going out of the house.

She took up a job in an office to pass her days. There she met a boy named Jatin. Slowly their love started blossoming. Now Kavita’s thirst which was not quenched by her husband, she could quench her thirst through Jatin and hence she had a sexual relationship with him.

When Praveen came to know about this after a few days, he got very angry and started fighting with Kavita, the matter had reached the stage of divorce. In this way their married life got ruined. So, we learn from this story that Kavita should never have had sex with another man, rather she should have solved this problem by talking to her husband lovingly because there is no such problem which cannot be solved.

Ranbir had been hearing since school days what sex is. He used to talk about sex with his friends most of the time. From that time itself, he had started imagining in his mind what is the Suhagrat (first night) like when he spends it with his wife.

He had this wrong notion in his mind that many husbands lose their cool in front of their wives on their Suhagrat. He had heard a lot about this from his friends. But he had not tried having sex with anyone to see if this happens or not.

He did not have much knowledge about sex, so he used to get scared on hearing about Suhagrat and used to think what happens on Suhagrat? How does it happen? How to do it?

When Ranbir’s family talked about his marriage, he got nervous on hearing this and asked for advice from his friends. He was already scared and became more scared. The date of marriage was getting closer.

One day his friends advised him that if he wanted to get rid of the fear of his Suhagraat, he should drink two pegs of alcohol before going to the room, all his fear would go away. Along with this, other friends also advised him that drinking alcohol gives the body the strength to have sex. As a result, a man can comfortably have sex for at least an hour. The woman herself then starts saying that she is tired, she cannot have sex now, etc. By many such things, he was not only given wrong advice but was also incited to do wrong things.

He believed this wrong feeling to be true. Now his marriage was to take place after a few days and that night he had dinner with his friends and in the evening, arrangements were made for drinking along with dinner.

Ranbir did not drink alcohol but he drank two pegs under the influence of his friends. His friends also mixed less water and more alcohol in the pegs without his knowledge. After drinking, his friends left him in the room for Suhagraat and went away.

He felt that he could not even walk properly. When the family members saw this, they understood that he was drunk but no one said anything. Everyone thought that on such occasions, a little bit of drinking and eating is normal. Now Ranbir went to the wedding night room in a drunken state. The effect of alcohol was clearly visible on him. He was so drunk that he was not even able to stand properly.

When his newly married wife Savita saw him, she understood that he was drunk. She was very annoyed with alcohol and drinkers. She did not like seeing Ranbir come home drunk tonight. She was an educated and self-reliant girl, yet she did not think it right to say anything that night.

Ranbir was so drunk that leave alone having sex properly, he was not even able to talk to her properly, he rolled over and fell asleep. He did not even talk to his wife lovingly and slept with his clothes on.

The next day when he met Savita, he was not even able to look her in the eye properly. He understood that Savita was angry with him. He accepted his mistake and clearly told her how his friends had given him wrong advice. He also promised that he would not touch alcohol under any circumstances.

Savita’s anger disappeared after seeing his honesty and simplicity. He spat out his anger and promised her that no matter what the situation, he would not drink alcohol. He also fulfilled this promise. In future, Savita did not have any problem with him in terms of sex. She was very happy with him.

So, the lesson from this story is that the Suhagraat is the night to absorb the thrill and pleasure of every moment. There is no justification to sacrifice this night for intoxication. Because this night does not come back again in life. Stay away from intoxication on the Suhagraat. Share the pleasure of this night with your wife with full consciousness and joy. This night decides the future of your married life, so do not spoil it by drinking alcohol and other intoxicants.

Many women feel hurt when their husband is not able to excite them for sex properly on the wedding night and on the contrary, he forcibly has sex with her and then goes to sleep. Due to this, some women start to suffer like a fish out of water in this situation.

In this situation, the woman thinks that perhaps she lacks sex, that is why he adopted such an attitude towards me, whereas the reality is that due to such attacks by the man on the wedding night, she suffers from many types of mental troubles. Many times, due to such behavior, even the houses which are about to be built get ruined.

For example, I want to tell you a story.

There was a boy named Harish who used to boast a lot. He used to tell his friends that you know, I will make such an impression on my wife on my wedding night that she will never open her mouth in front of me in her entire life. He also used to say that today you know that the first impression is always the last impression.

His friends used to explain him many times that this is fine in other cases but on the wedding night, do not behave with your wife in such a way that you will have to face consequences. He is such a boy who used to dominate his friends and that is why he did not even consider it necessary to pay attention to the correct words of his friends and remained engrossed in his own thoughts.

When he got married, he did what he used to tell his friends. He did not even talk to his wife lovingly and pounced on her as if she was not his wife but some food item. His wife was stunned by this behavior and started protesting.
This protest of her inflamed Harish’s emotions and he slapped his wife hard. First, Harish pulled his wife’s hair, broke the buttons of her blouse and in a way, succeeded in sexually exploiting her.

This incident created a feeling in his wife’s mind that he is not a husband but an animal. She developed hatred for her husband on the first night itself. The next day, his wife’s parents came to take her. She left without talking to her husband. She told everything to her sister-in-law and said that she will not go with him.

After listening to her, the sister-in-law tried to convince her, but she was not ready to agree in any way. When this thing came to light, there was a commotion in the house. When Harish came to know about this, he got scared and one day he went to his in-laws’ house. He apologized for his actions in front of everyone. The matter was resolved with great difficulty, otherwise his relationship was on the verge of ending.

So, from this story it is known that on the Suhagraat, the husband should behave in a very composed and balanced manner. There is no need for forceful behavior on this night. The wife is not an enemy on whom you can try to force and make her a slave for life. The entire night of Suhagraat should be spent with mutual love and affection.

In today’s time, many young men and women have fallen in love with someone. This is often seen in today’s time. Some young men and women cannot stop themselves from wandering in the passion of youth and fall in love with someone.

Never tell this to your wife on the day of Suhagraat, even by mistake, nor ask her by suspecting her of having an affair.

Today, it is often seen that on the Suhagraat, the husband tells his wife the story of his old love and after this, he insists his wife to tell something about her first love. He also tries to ask whether you loved someone before? Whom did you love? Tell me his name? Where did you meet for the first time? For how many days did your love affair last? In the meantime, did you have a sexual relationship with him or not? If yes, then how many times?

After this, many wives do not tell anything about it, but due to excessive provocation by the husband and him telling about himself, the wife also gets excited and tells about her love affairs. This is fatal for both the wife and the husband.

The wife forgets the love affairs of her husband before marriage, but it is not easy for the husband to forget them. A man can never tolerate his wife’s previous relationship.

On the day of Suhagraat, the person does not give importance to such a small talk at that time, but later it becomes a knot in his heart. He starts feeling that the character of my wife is not good. She can get attracted to other men in future also. In this way, an atmosphere of trouble prevails in the married life of the person.

To confirm this, I am telling you a story.

A boy named Kuljeet got married to a girl named Sonam. He was trying to talk to his wife on the Suhagraat. He wanted his wife to open up a little more with him, to come out of the veil of shyness. His behavior had an effect on Sonam too. She was slowly opening up.

Then suddenly Kuljeet changed the topic and said that you must be knowing that before marriage most boys and girls fall in love with someone or the other and start loving them. Sometimes their love goes so far that they even have a physical relationship. Especially boys and girls studying in college are ahead in this matter.

I want to tell you one thing, if you don’t mind, should I tell you?

Sonam told him that I won’t mind at all.

Then Kuljeet said that I have had relationships with many girls in college. I have been a monitor in my college and that is why many girls used to keep hanging around me. Many girls were crazy in love with me. I even enjoyed sex with many girls.

After this Kuljeet asked that now you tell me whether you also loved any boy? You are so beautiful that many boys must have tried to woo you. There must be a line of boys waiting for you?

On hearing this, Sonam was shocked and then became agitated. It felt as if a light had struck her mind. She was shocked when Kuljeet insisted on having sex but she did not protest in any way.

Still Kuljeet repeatedly provoked her to tell him her story. Then unwillingly she said that I too had a relationship with a boy. We both loved each other very much but we never had a physical relationship. After this father fixed my marriage with you and that is when all my relations with him ended. Now there is no one else for me except you.

Kuljeet got a big shock after hearing her words. His excitement suddenly decreased. He was shocked to know that she loved another boy. After this he could not talk much. After some time he said to her with a sad heart that it is okay. With this he slowly started having sex with her body. After this he turned over and slept without saying anything.

At this time she realized that she had made a big mistake by telling this to Kuljeet. I should not have said this at all. She kept thinking about this the whole night. She was scared that her married life might get ruined because of this. He should not have told her such things under any circumstances. Doubts remained in Kuljeet’s heart for many days.

So we want to tell you that under no circumstances should you tell your wife about your pre-marital love on your wedding night or any other day, nor should you ask her anything. We all should forget the past on our wedding night and start a new life.

Never tease your wife too much on your wedding night. There are many women who remain the center of curiosity for men. What a person does in his imagination after seeing a young girl, only that man knows who has sexual arousal inside him.

So when he gets a woman as his wife, he becomes curious to know the secrets of the female body and when he finds her alone, he starts removing her clothes from her body, that is, he becomes hell-bent on disrobing her. He becomes so aroused that along with kissing the lips and cheeks of the woman, he also starts teasing her raised breasts. He gets so much sexual desire that his wife does not feel it either.

So, do not tease a woman so much before doing anything that when you reach the stage of doing something, you are not able to do anything. There are many people who, as soon as they tease a woman’s body, think that the woman should also take his penis in her hand and caress it.

In some situations, even before he is ready to do something, he ejaculates as soon as the penis comes in the woman’s hand.

To understand this thing, I will tell you a story.

There was a boy from Bihar whose name was Ramesh. He was of a very excitable nature. He used to get so immersed in the ocean of imagination about a woman’s body that he used to start describing the inner parts of a woman’s body to his friends in every conversation. He used to think that how will a woman look when she gets completely naked? How will her bulging breasts look? How will it feel to kiss her lips? How will it feel to touch and see the excitable parts of her body?

Thinking all this, his excitement reached its peak and sometimes he even ejaculated.

When he turned 21, he got married to a girl named Rajni. When he went to the room on the wedding night, he saw that Rajni was waiting for him on the bed as his wife.

Now his mind was filled with excitement. He went towards the bed holding his heart and sat beside Rajni. At this time, his body was getting excited. Now he lifted his wife’s veil and removed it.

At this time, he was feeling as if the moon had come out in the room. Seeing Rajni’s red lips painted with lipstick, his excitement increased even more. At this time, he had become so crazy in excitement that he was imagining in his mind that her breasts were more raised and beautiful than he had imagined.

After this, his mind became so brutal that he immediately placed his lips on Rajni’s lips and started sucking them. Rajni did not like all this at all because he suddenly started having sex in the room without talking anything, Rajni did not feel even the slightest excitement.

Ramesh kept sucking her like a beast and with his hands he removed her clothes and started pressing her breasts hard. Rajni wanted to protest but she could not. Because no matter how strong hearted a girl is, she remains unaware on the wedding night.

After some time Ramesh turned his angry face back. The speed of his breathing had increased a lot due to excitement. After this Rajni slowly removed all her clothes. Soon she was completely naked, he used to imagine seeing a woman in this form.

Rajni was feeling very shy so she asked Ramesh to turn off the light, but he did not agree and slowly kept moving his hands on her body. After some time Ramesh also removed all his clothes.

Now his excitement was at its peak. He immediately tried to have sex but as soon as he inserted his penis in Rajni’s vagina, he ejaculated. In a short while, all his enthusiasm cooled down like ice and he lay down on one side like a lifeless body.

After some time, she wore her clothes and lay down. This night was very difficult for Rajni, she kept crying and writhing in pain the whole night. Ramesh woke up after some time, but he did not have the courage to touch Rajni again.

After this, it happened many times that as soon as she was about to have sex, he would ejaculate. He got worried whether he had contracted some secret disease or whether he had premature ejaculation. He became so worried that he kept thinking about this day and night. He met many doctors but he was not satisfied.

One day he met a doctor who knew about sex, whose words he liked and he benefited a lot from it. Now he realized that the way he was touching his wife’s body during sex, it was his fault.

The very next night, when he started having sex with Rajni, he reduced physical touch. After which he was able to make a proper relationship and gradually his problems were completely over. In this way their married life was saved from being ruined. From this story we learn that if there is any problem, one should not be afraid of it but should find a solution to it.

As soon as the marriage of a boy and a girl is fixed, both of them get lost in the imaginations of the coming moments. Girls mostly think about how will my house, family be, how will my husband be, will my married life be successful. Boys mostly think about how will my wife be and how will my life be romantic and these fantasies are more related to sex.

As the wedding day comes closer, they start getting lost in fantasies – like what happens on the wedding night? What kind of conversation happens between the husband and wife on this night? What is the condition of the wife during relations? There is also curiosity to know many such things. To know about this, they talk to their friends and relatives or read sex books and magazines.

To know all these things, I am telling you a story. Sonu’s marriage was just a few days away, so many kinds of thoughts started coming to his mind. To know these things, he went to the market and bought some books, but he did not get any special benefit from them.

Then one day four-five friends gathered in his room and they started explaining to him what should be done on the wedding day. Then one friend jokingly said that nowadays it is very rare to see people who get a completely virgin girl on their wedding night. Otherwise, nowadays most of the girls have already made a relationship with someone else before marriage.

On hearing this, Sonu’s ears perked up and he asked how will it be known whether the wife is virgin or not? As soon as he said this, the friend started telling his incomplete knowledge. He said that there is a membrane on the vagina of a woman which bursts when having sex for the first time due to which some amount of blood starts coming out of the vagina, this is the sign of virginity. If there is no blood coming out of the vagina of a woman after having sex on the wedding night, then understand that there is something wrong and the wife has had sex with someone before.

This discussion continued among friends till late night.

After this, Sonu kept this thing in mind and decided that I will also find out whether the wife is a virgin or not. After a few days, Sonu got married to a girl named Veena. On the wedding night, when he had sex with his wife Veena, he saw that no blood came out. This made him suspicious that Veena has already had sex with someone else. Due to this suspicion, he started showing anger on Veena and also called her characterless.

On this Veena started swearing that she did not have any relationship with anyone before marriage. Forget about having a relationship with anyone, I have not even thought about any boy till date and neither have I ever thought about anyone. Please believe me, at least listen to me. I have not had any relationship with anyone.

But Sonu did not listen to anything and started getting angry. He immediately decided that he will not keep her with him.

On the third day, Veena’s parents came to take her from her maternal home and took her with them. As soon as she reached home, she told everything to her sister-in-law while crying.

Sister-in-law got very angry due to Sonu’s behavior. She knew very well that Veena cannot do this. The values ​​of the house did not allow anyone to behave like this. She thought of talking to Sonu about this but she remained silent for some time.

On the other hand, Sonu talked to his friend who was a lawyer about taking a divorce between him and Veena. The friend was very surprised and asked Sonu the reason.

When Sonu was telling this to his friend, his other friend who was a doctor was also present there. When Sonu was telling about his wife, the doctor said that Sonu, you have become a victim of misunderstanding. It is not necessary that the woman with whom blood does not come out during intercourse on the wedding night is characterless. It can also be that her virginity may have been torn due to some kind of accident, sports or cycling.

After this, he explained everything clearly and said that by having distrust towards your wife, your married life can be ruined. Therefore, you should immediately accept your mistake and bring your wife home, otherwise it will be too late.

Now Sonu had understood his mistake clearly and he regretted his mistake.

The next day he went to his in-laws’ house without telling anyone. Then he wanted to talk to Veena, but Veena refused to talk. After this Sonu talked to Veena’s sister-in-law and said that what a dirty allegation you had made on a simple girl like Veena. You did not feel ashamed of making this allegation on your wife.

After this Sonu apologized to the sister-in-law and said that let me talk to Veena in any way, I regret my actions, I should not have done this at all.

Now the sister-in-law agreed to meet Veena. Then the sister-in-law explained to Veena and arranged a meeting between Sonu and her. He apologized to Veena for his mistake and said that I will never make such a mistake in future. After this Veena forgave Sonu.

So if blood does not come out of the woman’s vagina on the wedding night, then it should not be thought that she is characterless. Because in the life of any girl, before marriage, her vaginal membrane can burst due to many reasons like playing sports, getting hurt, riding a bicycle and doing excessive exercise etc.

Therefore, my advice to all the young men who are about to get married is that they should not ruin their future due to such incomplete information. Due to such misunderstandings, many homes have been ruined even before they could be settled.

Sometimes some inauspicious things happen on auspicious occasions like marriage. There can be many reasons for inauspicious things. In today’s time, many types of problems have been seen happening regarding dowry. Sometimes, the dowry system can also be the reason for inauspicious things happening in a marriage. Because the family members start harassing the girl due to not getting the amount of dowry that the family members had promised. Due to this, the married life which is about to start gets ruined.

Many times, it is also seen that due to dowry, such a situation arises that whatever the girl’s family asks for, they are unable to give it. In such a situation, it becomes the responsibility of the boy or his parents that they should not vent the anger of bitterness arising due to any reason on the wife. The wife is not at fault in any such reason.

It should be specially kept in mind that she should not be troubled for this reason on the wedding night. Many people take out their anger on the wife on the wedding night, the girl’s parents are cursed, in such a situation the girl does not do anything but is very sad inside.

To understand this situation properly, I want to tell you a story.

Pankaj was a boy from a middle-class family. His marriage was fixed with a girl named Ruchi. Pankaj’s family demanded a car and 2 lakh rupees from Ruchi’s father, which her father agreed to give. Ruchi’s father gave 2 lakh rupees on the day of Tilak. All the marriage rituals were going on smoothly.

Now Ruchi’s father went to the bank to take money to buy a car. He got the money from the bank but as soon as he came out of the bank some goons surrounded him at a deserted place and snatched his money. When he returned home, he told his family everything.

But all the wedding rituals had been completed so he could not stop the wedding. He thought that now the wedding cannot be stopped and even if he tells this to the boy’s family, they will think it is a lie. So we will give the car after a few days. At least we will tell them now that due to some reason we are unable to give you the car right now, we will definitely give the car after a few days. They will agree after saying this.

On the other side the preparations for the wedding procession were done and the wedding took place with great pomp and show. But when Pankaj’s father talked to Ruchi’s father about the car, Ruchi’s father asked for a few days time to give it and told him everything. Pankaj’s father was wise so he understood this and told Ruchi’s father that it was okay.

Now the wedding procession returned. When Pankaj came to know about this, he lost his mind and got very angry but he could not say anything to his father.

Somehow, after the family members convinced him, he went to the Suhagraat room. He was already upset. He saw in the room that his wife was sitting comfortably wearing a red dress.

Out of anger, he did not even talk to Ruchi the whole night and turned his face away and went to sleep on the bed. At this, Ruchi did not say anything for at least three hours, then regrettingly, she herself asked him that what is the matter that you turned your face away and went to sleep.

Then he got up and told Ruchi that he had talked to father about giving him a car but he did not give it. At this, Ruchi said that you do not know the condition of our house. I will tell you the condition of my house. Now Ruchi told her father in detail about the incident that happened to him but he was not ready to believe anything.

While talking like this, Pankaj slapped Ruchi hard. Ruchi started crying and started abusing him too. After this, both of them slept separately. This drama continued for a few days.

From this day onwards, Ruchi started hating Pankaj. After a few days, Ruchi’s father bought a car for Pankaj. After this, Pankaj promised Ruchi to live happily but the hatred that was filled in Ruchi’s mind for Pankaj kept hurting her throughout her life and this caused a lot of trouble in their married life.

Important things to keep in mind on the Suhagrat

On the Suhagrat, the vagina of most women remains dry. Therefore, men should apply some kind of lubricant on the penis before inserting it into the vagina so that the penetration can be done easily.

If the husband wants to have sex again on the first night and the woman does not want to, then the husband should respect her. One should never force sex and have sex against the wife’s unwillingness.

On the Suhagrat, neither keep the tube light or bulb fully lit in the Suhagrat room nor keep it completely dark. It is beneficial to light a sky blue or green coloured bulb.

Never indulge in unnatural sex with your wife on this night and do not use any weird postures. On the Suhagraat, the wife should be on the bottom and the man should be on top while having sex.

During sexual intercourse on the Suhagraat, neither you should speak obscene words nor insist your wife to speak. Decency is also necessary in sexual intercourse.

A woman should never have a feeling of fear in her mind on the Suhagraat. But when many girls come to their in-laws’ house, they remain nervous and afraid, which is natural but efforts should be made to eliminate this fear.

If the husband wants to ask something to the wife on the Suhagraat, then the wife should try to answer it. Never sit quietly like a bundle. As far as possible, give appropriate answers to the husband’s words.

If the husband wants to kiss, hug or press the breast on this night, then do not stop his hands. Even if you do not feel any sexual arousal, do not stop your husband from doing this because it is his right.

If the wife does not like any act of the husband, then she should be polite and patient and if she is facing a lot of trouble, then explain to him lovingly and refuse.

If the wife has had a love affair before marriage, then she should not talk about it and forget everything and try to surrender to her husband.

If the husband is kissing and hugging you due to his excitement, then you can also kiss him in return. If you do this, then the husband’s love and attachment towards you will increase.

If the husband wants to have sex again on this night but the wife does not want it, then she should explain to him lovingly and the husband should also respect his wife’s words.



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